RT Training and Coaching Personal Trainer Leuven

RT Training & Coaching

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Fitness Personal Training Leuven

Step-by-step strength and endurance training with motivational coaching
RT Training & Coaching

Fitness personal training

Personalized guidance by a certified Personal Trainer with the goal of losing weight, getting fitter and stronger. We give (exercise) advice, guide and motivate during the execution of a program adapted to your personal sporting goals and adjust where necessary.

Fitness personal training Leuven
Personal trainer Leuven
Personal training Leuven
Personal training Leuven

We offer you a smart and efficient way to work on yourself. As a personal trainer and coach, we will guide you to go through life fitter and healthier. Sport is the best way to combat physical problems after a long day sitting at your desk and the many stresses in our daily lives. However, it is important to learn to exercise the right way. As a Personal Trainer we go beyond a standard sports experience : gaining muscle mass and strength in a responsible way, losing weight, toning, ...

You exercise and train at your own pace: one, two, three or more times a week. Fortunately, it never gets boring! Together we look for challenging exercises that are not only in line with your sporting level but also provide the perfect balance between strength and conditioning. More muscle mass, more endurance, or just striving for a beautiful body? Together we make it work!

The benefits of a personal trainer are many:

Personal training Leuven

Individual plan

No standard programs that only let you progress slowly but an individual plan based on your goals.

Personal training Leuven


No overcrowded gym with equipment you know nothing about which means you make no real progression which demotivates you in the long run.

Personal training Leuven


As a university Master, we are ideally positioned to help you achieve your athletic goals responsibly!

Do you want to lose weight in a healthy way, build muscle mass and endurance, and feel mentally (and physically) stronger? As your Personal Coach, I will guide you step by step at a pace and training schedule that suits you.

Our one-on-one personal fitness coaching is a general workout in which the objectives are not specific to certain muscle groups (such as back or core) or rehabilitation training. Regarding specific trainings, please see our training offering.

With personal coaching, we will discuss a customized nutrition plan as well as an exercise plan that is sure to fit within your busy schedule.

Starting a workout program is the hardest part. Do you want to train to burn fat, to get a nice muscular body in a responsible way or do you want to build your fitness with a targeted schedule? Your personal goals will be discussed together and may consist of (a combination of):

  • Increasing strength and/or muscle mass
  • Increase endurance through cardio and/or circuit training
  • Achieving weight loss through training/nutrition
background personal trainer Redert Leuven
Redert Van de Velde
Master KULeuven
A - Trainer
Instructor 'Sportkot'
Sportoase Leuven
ING Belgiƫ
Powermove Leuven
krachttraining leuven Redert

Strength/muscle massIncrease strength and/or muscle mass

Cardio leuven Redert

EnduranceIncrease conditioning through cardio and/or circuit training

Verlies gewicht leuven Redert

Weight LossAchieve weight loss through training/nutrition

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Redert Van de Velde Personal Training

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding Personal Training!

Ready to achieve your sporting goals?

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Strength Training

Redert Van de Velde Personal Training

Krachttraining LeuvenStrength training is one of the best and - for many people - the most unknown way to lose weight permanently. This is because strength training is largely about the so-called afterburn effect. More muscle mass burns more calories. Even if you don't exercise and just sit on the couch, your metabolism will be higher. By doing strength training, you build muscle mass. Muscles need energy and burn calories to work. The more muscle you have, the more energy your body needs and thus burns calories.
Krachttraining LeuvenStrength training is suitable for both men and women. Many women are afraid of becoming too muscular when they do strength training, however women only have 1/17th of the testosterone of men, the hormone that allows building muscle. People nowadays think far too quickly that they will get bodies like bodybuilders, as seen on the front pages of fitness magazines. A huge misconception about strength training! Women have less testosterone in their bodies than men. Want to get a tighter body? Then strength training really is a must. You really don't need to spend hours on cardio to get a nicer shaped body. For tighter buttocks, legs or arms, you still need to start strength training.
Krachttraining LeuvenResearch shows that the average adult has a decline in metabolism (metabolic rate) of 2 to 5 percent per 10 years of their life. Strength training can help you counteract the loss of muscle mass and maintain your metabolism. If you do nothing in strength training, you will lose nearly half a pound of lean muscle mass per year after age 25. That means your body (or muscles), is burning 30 to 50 fewer calories per day. Since there is little chance that you will eat less starting at age 25, your body will store more and more fat. Losing weight with strength training is not just limited to the numbers on your scale. Because muscle, per pound occupies about four times less space than body fat, you will therefore become leaner.
Research has shown that bone strength and density also improve when we exert ourselves or exert a degree of overload on our bones. This is the reason why people who are getting older are going to the gym more and more, so it is not just for younger people who want to look good.
Strong muscles allow you to perform ordinary, everyday tasks much more easily and smoothly. The more muscle strength you have, the less effort daily functioning takes. Climbing stairs, getting up from a chair, opening a lid, lifting heavy boxes, digging in the garden, walking or biking: if you have trained muscles, all of these go effortlessly!
Strength training also stimulates testosterone production, which gives you more energy, more sex drive and less depression. So don't focus on the number on the scale: muscle is much heavier than fat, so you can actually gain weight and still slim down. Instead of measuring your weight, check your body composition (percentage of fat and muscle). There are smart scales on the market today that display these percentages in addition to your weight.
Krachttraining leuven personal trainer
man spieren

For Men

More and fuller muscles | less fat mass


For women

Tighter body | beautiful curves | bikini-proof

Of course, the intensity of the strength training will be tailored to your personal goal: do you just want to be a little bit firmer? Or do you want to go for a real "beach body"? Strength training can be practiced in any form and intensity. We will create a personalized schedule for you!

Cardio Training

Redert Van de Velde Personal Training

Cardio training LeuvenCardio stands for cardiovascular fitness or cardiovascular training. Maximum oxygen consumption, the use of oxygen for energy, is known as the VO2max. This is also known as the maximum aerobic capacity and is a good indicator of the results that can be achieved with cardio training. Therefore, if you want to increase endurance in daily life or be able to run longer, you can do so using cardio exercises.
Cardio training LeuvenBecause there is a strong increase in blood flow during cardio workouts, this improves the quality of your blood vessels. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by both strengthening the heart and improving the quality of your blood vessels. Another benefit is that it has a positive effect on your blood pressure.
Strength training LeuvenIn the case of type II diabetes, there is a disturbance in glucose metabolism because the body has become insensitive to insulin. Doing cardio training can improve insulin sensitivity and thereby slow or even completely reverse the disease process. Of note, research shows that an exercise program with only cardio training, as opposed to a strength training program, did not lead to improvements in inflammatory factor concentrations.
An accessible way to get more exercise is indeed cardio training, such as running outdoors every day. All you need is a pair of comfortable and decent athletic shoes and clothing that breathes. Especially if it has been a while since you have been exercising regularly, cardio is a very pleasant way to start and you can easily determine its intensity yourself. A Personal Trainer can help in this by giving you the best duration and intensity for your specific body as well as introducing you to new forms of cardio training!
Cardiotraining leuven personal trainer

Weight loss

Redert Van de Velde Personal Training

Is your weight a little too high or are you bothered by your tummy, chunky legs or buttocks? We know exactly how to lose weight quickly and responsibly, and we'll keep you motivated on the way to it. With our help, losing weight and exercising are not at all boring, tedious or difficult. Because you see results quickly, after a while you will even enjoy working out!

Losing weight is only optimal if you adjust both your diet and your exercise routine. Good workouts in combination with a better awareness of your diet and lifestyle guarantee lasting results in almost 100% of cases!

Weight loss leuven personal trainer

RT Personal Training & Coaching Leuven

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding Personal Training!
RT Personal Training & Coaching Leuven

Our training courses

Discover personal and tailored training programs at RT Training in Leuven. Achieve your goals in a healthy and responsible way and book an appointment with one of our personal trainers.

Powertraining Leuven
RT Training

Strength Training

Personal Training aimed at increasing muscle mass, a tighter body and/or strength.

Strength Training
Sport performance training Leuven
RT Training


Personal Training aimed at increasing and maximizing athlete's (sports) performance.

Sport Performance
RT Training

Core Stability

As an athlete or struggling with a herniated disc or back problems, good "core stability" helps.

Core Training

What do our clients say?

Some of our clients giving their opinion about RT Training & Coaching - Personal training in Leuven.

"Redert is someone who is incredibly passionate about his profession and everything around it. He adapts himself to your needs. He is an enthusiastic bomb of information who is always available and attentive to your circumstances."

Customer Testimonails

Yolanda Van Mechelen

Review RT Training Leuven

"Super communicative sessions, very intense sessions, hyper personal approach and clearly noticeable progress. Thanks to Coach Redert, I have completed my first marathon, feel fitter daily and am able to train hard every week with tremendous pleasure."

Customer Testimonails

Righard Bruyns

Review RT Training Leuven

"I have been working with Redert for a few years now (and yes, he makes you work hard). He guided me through Diabetes and a gastric bypass until I was 40kg lighter and diabetes free. Then he also helped me recover after a dislocated shoulder and broken wrist. It's a pleasure working with someone who not only tells you what to do but explains why and how ... An incredible personal touch."

Customer Testimonails

Filip Borloo

Review RT Training Leuven