RT Training and Coaching Personal Trainer Leuven

RT Training & Coaching

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Nutritional advice Leuven

Targeted training and nutrition advice tailored to your needs!
RT Training & Coaching

Nutritional advice

Personalized nutritional advice aimed at a healthy lifestyle and weight, or to support muscle building or competition preparation.

Nutritional advice

In addition to an individual training program, a proper and balanced diet is necessary to achieve optimal results. Healthy nutrition naturally contributes to a healthy body, and when you also train seriously in the process, your body demands different nutrition than when you don't train. Of course, following a crash diet to lose weight quickly (and often only temporarily) has nothing to do with nutritional advice. It does have to do with the belief that healthy nutrition combined with adequate exercise is the basis for an attractive and healthy body.

It goes without saying that depending on your goals (e.g. lowering your fat percentage) there will also have to be adjustments to your diet. The same also applies if you want to increase your endurance or increase your muscle mass.

Nutritional advice Leuven

A varied and balanced diet is necessary to feel good in your skin and achieve maximum athletic performance. What is the ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats to achieve your athletic goals? How can nutrition maximize your output during training and competition? Are there proven and safe supplements to increase your endurance and strength?

Nutritional advice Leuven
RT Training & Coaching

Healthy basic foods

Of course, for everyone, nutritional advice begins with basic healthy nutrition. A recreational athlete will usually suffice with a basic healthy diet. To improve performance, train longer and harder or recover faster after intense workouts, good sports nutrition can help you.

Nutritional advice Leuven
RT Training & Coaching

Individual goals

Personal trainers are not just there to guide their clients in their workouts. A successful personal trainer knows that what his clients eat is just as important as their workout regimen. The right diet plans depend on your individual goals. Getting the right mix of calories and macros from whole foods is obviously important; creating a diet plan that you actually want to stick to is even more important.

Nutritional advice Leuven
RT Training & Coaching

No one-size-fits-all

Diet plans and eating patterns are not "one-size-fits-all. Although the basics are the same - whole foods, lean proteins, whole grains, healthy fats and low amounts of refined sugars - the composition of carbohydrates, proteins and fats will vary depending on your specific goals. How much you should eat is individualized and should be determined at the beginning of your nutritional counseling. After that, we can establish a schedule.

RT Training & Coaching

Dietary pattern

We review your current eating habits and in consultation, we make changes to your diet that you can sustain.

  • Weight loss
  • Weight gain
  • Competition Nutrition
  • (Sport)supplements
  • Change in fat percentage
  • Muscle mass
Gaining muscle mass, losing fat or simply performing better in your beloved sport all depends on the right energy you give your body. Through personal nutritional advice, together we look at whether your current diet is sufficient for this and adjust where necessary. Nutrition is the only physical source from which humans get their energy, so make sure that this energy is used as optimally as possible!

Our clients about RT Training & Coaching

For me, this is the best personal coach/trainer out there. Made me lose 25 kilos in one year by making me aware of my eating habits. This resulted in a much better balance in my diet which in turn resulted in a healthier lifestyle so that it all comes naturally now and has become a part of my life. As a personal trainer what I experienced with him is that he always made me work just that little bit more. Works very constructive and very motivating. Furthermore, he is one of the most correct people I know. Top coach and trainer.

Erik Verstappen

Redert got me back in shape after 2 years of struggling with the knee. Doctors and hospitals saw no other solution than surgery. Redert thought differently and asked me to try it. I thought if it doesn't help, it won't hurt. Anyway. He provided an appropriate schedule, both for exercises and for my nutrition since I needed to lose some weight anyway. Now today I still train 4 to 5 days the week and enjoy sitting on my bike again for long distances. Thanks for the help man ! This without surgery. Really great.

Bram Debie

I've been working out with Redert for a few years now (and yes, he makes you work hard). He guided me through Diabetes and a gastric bypass until I was 40kg lighter and diabetes free. Then he also helped me recover after a dislocated shoulder and broken wrist. It's a pleasure working with someone who not only tells you what to do but explains why and how ... An incredible personal touch.

Filip Borloo

Redert is fitness, which is the best way to sum him up in one sentence. With him, you are not a number in a whole list of clients. He wants to get to know you better by asking about your past and current situation in order to build toward a better future. Redert makes sure you become the best possible version of yourself physically. There are two certainties here: You will be exhausted, in the form of sweating and swearing, but your hard work will be rewarded! How do I know this? Because I myself lost 30 kg thanks to his complete coaching! I wouldn't have managed this with anyone else! If you are serious about choosing a healthy(er) lifestyle then you have come to the right place with Redert!

Matthias Haccour